An Empowering Unmedicated Hospital Birth Story

One of the best ways to prepare for birth is by immersing yourself in positive birth stories- here is a beautiful story from Adrienne, a Birth Academy client! Birth Academy is the only course you need for unmedicated birth.

Adriennes story in her own words:

“I was feeling what I thought was Braxton hicks before bed. That next morning around 5 am I had pains that woke me up, which was abnormal for my Braxton hicks so I knew I was in labor.

I was doing the Mile Circuit and it caused me to have a really strong contraction where I threw up and released fluid at the same time. I wanted to wait a couple hours after my water broke before going to the hospital so I went around 4 pm.

They checked my cervix in triage and I was 3 cm. My partner and I walked for some time and I progressed to 4-5 so they admitted me.

I labored naturally all night in the hospital.

Eventually I stopped dilating at 7.5-8 cm. They checked me at 5 am. Then again at 7 am. I was getting discouraged.

And by this time I was screaming on the bed in pain. My birth prep had went out the window. My nurse was suggesting pitocin but that wasn’t a part of my birth plan.

My mom encouraged me to stand next to the bed and listen to my music and meditations. I got back in the zone and stood, squatted, and breathed for the next few hours. They checked me again at 12 pm and I was still at 8 cm. I was tired and discouraged. I asked for the epidural. But my birth plan said to talk me out of the epidural if I asked for it, and to do the lowest dose of pitocin only if absolutely necessary. So that’s what we did.

Because the dose of pitocin was so low the contractions were more frequent but weren’t more painful.

I labored on and eventually it was time to push! My baby boy was born! Almost 36 hours of labor 🤯

And you were so right about your sense of time being warped during labor! The only thing I’d do differently is tell my birth team not to remind me of the time because things didn’t feel as long as they were.

This was definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done but the best day of my life!

I’m feeling good!! It really pushed me past my limits.

It’s a moment I will always be proud of."

Isn't Adriennes story beautiful? If you are planning an unmedicated birth, Birth Academy is my comprehensive course for natural birth prep!

Check out what Adrienne had to say about it!

I’m so glad I used Birth Academy to prepare for the birth my firstborn! My labor was the best and proudest day of my life. There were some very challenging moments, but Birth Academy helped me create a birth plan for the expected and unexpected. Carlee goes above and beyond with the amount of information you receive in this course. With this knowledge I was able to have an empowering hospital birth. I labored for 36 hours without any medical pain management.”

And Birth Academy is not just for unmedicated hospital birth, it's perfect for home births and birth centers too! Check out Makaylas story if you are planning a home birth!

A free gift for you!

Have your most comfortable labor and birth with my free guide to comfort measures for unmedicated birth!


The Empowered Start Faves:

Free Mini Birth Class

Understand how to prepare effectively for your intuitive, transformative, and empowering birth experience… Plus typical mistakes moms make when planning to birth unmedicated (and how to avoid them)

The Comfortable Childbirth Cheatsheet

The extensive guide to simple labor comfort measures for unmedicated birth- built to produce a calm, powerful, and relaxing childbirth experience.

Birth Academy

The comprehensive preparation program for your unmedicated, mindful, and autonomous birth experience! This extensive program includes our full curriculum, mentorship from Carlee, and support from like minded moms inside the program!


more reading for you..

Hi, I'm Carlee 👋🏻 I’m a Childbirth Doula + Online Educator who helps moms prepare for the unmedicated birth they have been dreaming of. I’m a mama of three, an outdoor enthusiast, a positive thinker, a crunchy wannabe, and a big-dreaming doula who LOVES supporting pregnant moms in their unmedicated births. I believe that birth can be beautiful, positive, and empowering- and I believe in YOU!


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