Choosing the Right Provider for Your Unmedicated Birth: Key Questions to Ask

As a birth doula and educator who has supported hundreds of moms on their journey to unmedicated births, I understand the importance of choosing the right birth attendant. Whether you're planning a home birth or a hospital birth, your choice of midwife, OB, or traditional attendant can greatly impact your birth experience.

The Questions

(we’re skipping the basic ones and getting to the good stuff!)

#1 - "What interventions are routine for you?"

Every action taken during childbirth can be considered an intervention, from monitoring the baby to clamping the cord. Understanding your provider's approach to these interventions can give you insight into their philosophy and help you decide if it aligns well with your birth plan. This varies greatly when it comes to the natural birth world- and you will be surprised the different answers you get to this question! Some homebirth midwives will insist on a cervical check when they arrive at your home, and some never do cervical checks under any circumstances. Some hospital midwives are totally happy with you catching your own baby and others have never heard of such a thing. 

#2 - "Can you tell me about your experience working with clients like me?"

Your birth experience is unique, shaped by your plans, culture, family situation, and past traumas. It's essential to ensure your provider is able to support you in the way you need them to. Sometimes, I like to do this by asking a situational question. For example- I personally have very big babies. So in an interview with a midwife I would ask about the largest baby they have supported and ask clarifying questions about that story to get a feel for if they see a big baby as a complication or risk. (big babies are not a complication or risk fyi…. But I would be taking a risk if I hired someone to attend my birth who saw it that way) Then, depending on the answer I would explain to them that I have historically had large babies and am looking for someone who understands that my body will not make a baby too large for me to birth. 

#3 - "What does informed consent mean to you?"

Informed consent is a cornerstone of ethical care. Your provider should explain the reasoning behind their actions, as well as the risks and benefits, and obtain your permission before proceeding with any intervention. It’s disappointing to me how many birth professionals do not practice informed consent during labor and birth- and it is so important that they do if you want an empowering experience. Don’t ever assume that they understand this, even if you are planning a homebirth. Another way to find out if they truly believe in informed consent is simply by the way they talk about their clients. If they say “I had to transfer her to the hospital for xyz” That implies that they did not give that mom a choice. Instead, they may say “based on the situation we both agreed on a transfer to the hospital”

#4 - "How do you navigate and heal from trauma?"

Many (if not all) birth workers have experienced trauma and understanding how they navigate and heal from these experiences can give you insight into their ability to provide compassionate care. To be clear, the trauma I am referring to is in most cases a negative outcome because of a medical intervention used. If a birth attendant is unable to heal from these experiences they could bring certain biases into your birth space that you would like to avoid.

Trust Your Intuition

When interviewing providers, it's crucial to trust your intuition and spiritual guidance. Sometimes, despite all the right answers, you may not feel a connection with a provider. Trust that feeling and seek out a provider who aligns with your values and intuition.

It's Never Too Late

Lastly, I want to emphasize that it's never too late to switch providers if you feel it's necessary. You can switch providers at any time- and it’s probably more simple than you think!

As you continue your journey towards an unmedicated birth, remember that your birth team plays a crucial role in your life-changing experience. Choose wisely and always trust your instincts.

If you have any questions or need support in preparing for your unmedicated birth, don't hesitate to reach out or check out my comprehensive course, Birth Academy. I'm here to help you every step of the way.

A free gift for you!

Have your most comfortable labor and birth with my free guide to comfort measures for unmedicated birth!


The Empowered Start Faves:

Free Mini Birth Class

Understand how to prepare effectively for your intuitive, transformative, and empowering birth experience… Plus typical mistakes moms make when planning to birth unmedicated (and how to avoid them)

The Comfortable Childbirth Cheatsheet

The extensive guide to simple labor comfort measures for unmedicated birth- built to produce a calm, powerful, and relaxing childbirth experience.

Birth Academy

The comprehensive preparation program for your unmedicated, mindful, and autonomous birth experience! This extensive program includes our full curriculum, mentorship from Carlee, and support from like minded moms inside the program!


more reading for you..

Hi, I'm Carlee 👋🏻 I’m a Childbirth Doula + Online Educator who helps moms prepare for the unmedicated birth they have been dreaming of. I’m a mama of three, an outdoor enthusiast, a positive thinker, a crunchy wannabe, and a big-dreaming doula who LOVES supporting pregnant moms in their unmedicated births. I believe that birth can be beautiful, positive, and empowering- and I believe in YOU!


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