My Favorite Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum Items

You won’t see me talking about products much, but I do think it’s nice to have a few things handy for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!

Because I just had my third baby (he is a month old now!!), I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what products I use. So I thought I would compile a list for you!

No, you don’t need to buy all these things. They are just some things that I liked!


  • Sitting on a birth ball will help you to have good posture, and doing pelvic tilts and hip circles on a ball at the end of pregnancy could help baby move down in your pelvis! You want one big enough that your hips are above your knees, I like this one.

  • Use a rebozo to do belly sifting, and to tie around your belly to relieve pressure on your back at the end of pregnancy! You can get this one on Amazon.

  • I like to drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (after the first trimester) and Nettle Tea to help me stay hydrated throughout pregnancy and improve my mineral balance. Check them out here!

  • I know it seems so unnecessary, but I had to include my favorite pregnancy pillow. I didn’t find one I liked until my third pregnancy, but wow it made a huge difference once I began using it! I use mine upside down so that I have support all the way down to my feet and I can use my regular pillow for my head! Here’s the link to this wonderful pillow!

  • I like to use Calm magnesium powder each night before bed to help me wind down, and it also helps with pregnancy constipation. Here’s the link!

Labor and Birth

  • I like to have twinkle lights to help set the mood during labor at home or at the hospital! I use these ones.

  • A handheld fan is so nice for when you get hot during labor (I see women want this a lot during the pushing stage!) It’s small and lightweight, but powerful. It’s linked here.

  • Use a rebozo to help with labor and pushing positions! You can get this one on Amazon.

  • You’ll want to get a peanut ball (if there is not one already available to you through your midwife, doula, or hospital!) to use during labor. You can use it to rest but still be in a productive position to bring baby down! I have this one from Amazon.

  • Use a birth ball to sit on, lean on, and many different positions during labor! This is a great way to sit down to give your legs a break, but keep that pelvis moving so that baby can come down more easily! You want one big enough that your hips are above your knees, I like this one.

  • If you don’t already have a comb, you’ll want to grab one! Why would you need a comb for labor? It’s an awesome little trick where you squeeze the comb with your hand to distract you from the sensations of the contraction. It works so well! Here’s a link.

  • I like to have a diffuser and my favorite essential oils to set the mood during labor! This one is from Amazon.


I can’t begin this without saying that although it may seem like you need a lot of things for postpartum, the most important is support. Think: meals, house cleaners, someone to talk to, lactation consultant, etc.

  • You may want Calm magnesium powder to take after birth to help with that first bowel movement! I take a good amount of this each day until things get back to normal in that department. It’s liked here!

  • The only baby item I think you really need is a carrier. I love using a baby carrier because I can snuggle my baby and get other things done at the same time! My favorite carrier for newborns is the Solly Baby Wrap. I’ve used them for all three of my kids! I’ll link to their website here. Use code THEEMPOWEREDSTART10 for a discount!

  • The easiest thing to wear after birth is depends, trust me. It’s so much better than messing with pads for the first couple of days. Here are some from Amazon!

  • I loved using a peri bottle that you don’t have to turn upside down to rinse yourself off after you pee! The one I got is linked here.

  • I got a meal tray for my husband to bring me meals on postpartum- rest is so important, and so is proper nutrition! The one I got is linked here, it’s been so great to have!

Remember, you don’t need to buy a lot of stuff. You don’t actually need any of this, they are just a few of my favorite things to have.

Hope this list helps!


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