4 Ways Partners Can Prepare For The Birth Of Their Child

What does my partner need to do to prepare for my unmedicated birth?

This is a question that you are hopefully asking and wondering about as a mom dreaming of her unmedicated birth experience. 

Your partner is your protector. Your calm. Your safe space. Your oxytocin. Your teammate. 

His role in your labor and birth is important, valuable, and can make a huge difference in your positive and empowering birth experience. 

I’ve helped countless husbands step up to the (birth) plate when supporting their laboring ladies- and do an AMAZING job at it. 

I’m creating a resource that will be just for partners- a crash course on what they need to know. 

One that will teach them how to protect your space, advocate, encourage you, and support you during your beautiful unmedicated birth.

In the meantime- I wanted to get you (and your partners) started with 5 ways they can prepare for the birth of their child. 

It’s important for you (the pregnant woman!) to prepare for your birth- absolutely! 

But it is also key that your partner has also prepared his mind and spirit to support you in a way that will help you have the birth you have the unmedicated birth you have been dreaming of! 

Let’s get into the four things he can do to prepare: 

#1- Learn about physiological birth

Maybe he wants to take a birth class with you, maybe he wants to do his own research, maybe he wants to ask your midwife or doula tons of questions… however he does it he must have the knowledge. He needs to know what is common and have a general idea of what labor and birth will look like. 

This is especially important if you are birthing naturally- because he may have no prior expectations of natural birth and become worried or anxious about the blood, moaning, or how long it’s taking!

Here’s the thing- if he doesn’t know that birth is normal, he could truthfully distract you when you are in the “zone”.

#2- Know your birth preferences 

After he knows about physiological birth, he needs to know your specific preferences. 

As you know- there are a lot more decisions to make than if you should get an epidural or not! (Learn all about those options here)

He needs to know if you want the lights on or off, what you are planning to eat and drink, who is going to be catching the baby, how long you prefer the cord to be unclamped… and all that jazz. 

You will need this mental load taken from you during your unmedicated birth.

You will need all of your brain power to focus on your surges- and he will be the one who needs to take care of setting up the room, answering questions, and advocating for you when necessary. 

#3- Practice advocacy skills

Speaking of advocacy- this is a huge one for the partners! 

I’ll be totally honest with you, it is almost guaranteed that there will be a point in your unmedicated labor when you are unable to speak. 

Maybe during a powerful surge, in the midst of transition, or the moment after your babe is born! 

In those times you will be so greatful for a partner who knows exactly what to say and how to say it if something doesn’t go according to plan. 

The best way to practice? It’s simple. Look at your birth plan, then look at the routine policies of the provider/location you are birthing with. Find those things that may not match up and have him practice what he would say in a certain scenario. 

Some people naturally advocate, and some need to practice more because it is not something they are used to. Either way.. Advocacy skills are absolutely essential (no matter what kind of birth you are having! Yes, even if you are birthing at home!) 

#4- Learn how to calm body and mind

There are bound to be moments of intensity during labor. There may even be moments of anxiety or worry. 

Your partner needs to be a calm source of safety for you no matter *what* happens during your unmedicated birth. 

If you are fearful, tense, confused, or worried- you want him to be your relaxed, calm, level-headed, and confident teammate. 

He can do this by practicing deep breathing and meditation (psst… I have a meditation just for partners inside The Audio Bundle). This will allow him to learn how to calm his mind and calm his body no matter what. 

This way he can be your masculine energy when you are at your most vulnerable. 

There you have it! Four things that your man can do to prepare for your unmedicated birth RIGHT NOW. 

If you are looking for more support for your partner- I’m creating a brand new resource for the man in your life! 

Here is what it will include (so fa)r: 

  • Protecting her birth

  • Learning your partner's preferences

  • The physical needs of laboring women

  • The emotional needs of laboring women

  • How to talk to a mom in labor

  • Positions to offer your partner

  • Comfort measures to offer your partner

  • What tools to have available

  • Calming Prompts

  • Tips for early labor, active labor, transition, pushing, and after the baby is born

  • Taking care of yourself

  • Advocacy tips and scripts

  • Birth rights

  • A quick cheat sheet to have on hand during labor

This program is for you IF...

  • You already took a birth course for YOURSELF and you want one for your husband/partner/spouse

  • You don't want/need to take birth course for yourself, but you know your partner would benefit from something just for him!

  • You are dreaming of your unmedicated birth where your husband holds space for you, protects you, and knows just how to support you

It’s going to be a guide that will allow your partner to learn the things he needs to know in order for YOU to have the unmedicated birth you have been dreaming of. 

If you want to be notified when this is available, get a special early bird discount, and give me additional feedback on what this guide needs to include… sign up for the waitlist right here. 

A free gift for you!

Have your most comfortable labor and birth with my free guide to comfort measures for unmedicated birth!


The Empowered Start Faves:

Free Mini Birth Class

Understand how to prepare effectively for your intuitive, transformative, and empowering birth experience… Plus typical mistakes moms make when planning to birth unmedicated (and how to avoid them)

The Comfortable Childbirth Cheatsheet

The extensive guide to simple labor comfort measures for unmedicated birth- built to produce a calm, powerful, and relaxing childbirth experience.

Birth Academy

The comprehensive preparation program for your unmedicated, mindful, and autonomous birth experience! This extensive program includes our full curriculum, mentorship from Carlee, and support from like minded moms inside the program!


more reading for you..

Hi, I'm Carlee 👋🏻 I’m a Childbirth Doula + Online Educator who helps moms prepare for the unmedicated birth they have been dreaming of. I’m a mama of three, an outdoor enthusiast, a positive thinker, a crunchy wannabe, and a big-dreaming doula who LOVES supporting pregnant moms in their unmedicated births. I believe that birth can be beautiful, positive, and empowering- and I believe in YOU!


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